Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Пишет Seth0et0holth:
Sugizo+Artemis Classic
Линия ювелирных изделий. Они великолепны!!!!

SUGIZO × ArtemisClassic


@темы: Sugizo

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Спасибо друзья!!!

@темы: подарки

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Выключаем свет и .......поехали)

@музыка: tell me

@темы: флэшмоб

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Encore: Yoshiki Piano Auction Re-Tunes

A charity auction to benefit Japan disaster relief that peaked at $20 million and was temporarily shut down will now reopen with the bidding reset to half a million dollars, according to an online post from auction officials.Proceeds from the sale of a crystal Kawai CR-40 piano belonging to Japanese rock star Yoshiki will be donated to Japan earthquake and tsunami relief. The auction began March 17, but was put on hiatus just two days later. "Yahoo! Auctions has determined an exception was necessary due to an overload of unexpected high volume traffic, high bidding prices and the time required for bidder confirmation procedures; and has temporarily suspended the bidding process on this auction," according to a notice posted on j-grab.com, the website coordinating the bidding.
Bidding reached $20 million before the auction was put on hold, said Atsu Wada, j-grab.com spokesman. Insiders say there were concerns over the authenticity of the bids.
The last confirmed bid Yahoo was able to verify was $512,231.70. That will be the new starting price when bidding reopens April 25. The auction now ends April 28. According to Yahoo Auctions, it has restructured its system and "bidders pledging over $609,756 must give prior I.D. confirmation.
"Yoshiki, who is spearheading the Japan Relief Fundraising Auction with help from Yahoo Japan, is the first of many celebrities donating items to the project. Other big names include Britney Spears, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Cher, Marilyn Manson, Anthony Kiedis and Stan Lee.The auction is a part of Yoshiki's relief efforts through Yoshiki Foundation America, a California non-profit, public benefit corporation.

Благотворительный аукцион для сбора средств на ликвидацию последствий стихийных бедствий в Японии, достигший пика в в $ 20 млн. был временно закрыт и теперь возобновится с торгов сброшенных до полумиллиона долларов, согласно сообщению руководства аукциона в интернете.Поступления от продажи фортепиано crystal Kawai CR-40 принадлежащего японской рок-звезде Yoshiki будут переданы Японии для ликвидации последствий землетрясения и цунами. Аукцион начался 17 марта, но был приостановлен всего лишь два дня спустя. "Yahoo!Аукционы столкнулись с необходимостью сделать исключение в связи с перегрузкой неожиданным высоким объемом трафика, высокими ценами на торгах и временем, необходимым для процедур подтверждения претендента, а также временно приостановили торги на этом аукционе ", в соответствии с уведомлением размещенным на j-grab.com, веб-сайте координации торгов.
Торги достигла 20 млн. долл. США до того как аукцион был приостановлен, сказал Атсу Вада, пресс-секретарь j-grab.com. Инсайдеры говорят, что были опасения по поводу подлинности ставки.
Последняя ставка которую Yahoo был в состоянии проверить составила $ 512,231.70.Это будет новая стартовая цена торгов, когда 25 апреля ставки вновь начнут принимать. Аукцион теперь закончится 28 апреля. По данным Yahoo Auctions, система была реструктуризирована и "претенденты заявляющие более $ 609756 должны предоставить удостоверение личности.
"Yoshiki, который возглавляет Japan Relief Fundraising Auction с помощью Yahoo Japan, является первым из многих знаменитостей пожертвовавших лоты для проекта. Среди других знаменитых имен Бритни Спирс, Риз Уизерспун, Роберт Паттинсон, Шер, Мэрилин Мэнсон, Энтони Кидис и Стэн Ли.Аукцион является частью усилий по оказанию помощи Yoshiki посредством Yoshiki Foundation America, калифорнийской некоммерческой, корпорации для общественной пользы.


@темы: yoshiki, auction, crystal piano


Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Даже не спрашивайте меня почему ..я не смогу объяснит...Просто еще один неизгладимый след в душе...
Сладкий дождь (Смерть точна) / Sweet Rain / Shinigami no seido / Accuracy of Death [Япония, 2008 г., драма, мистика, DVDRip, sub]

Год выпуска: 2008
Страна: Япония
Жанр: драма, мистика
Продолжительность: 01:53
Перевод: Субтитры

Режиссер: Масая Какэй / Masaya Kakei / 筧昌也 (かけひ まさや;)
В ролях: Такеши Канеширо, Манами Каниши, Фуджи Джунко и другие

Описание: Тсиба - так называемый Ангел Смерти (Шинигами). Он проводит с человеком неделю, прежде чем тот неожиданно погибнет. Он должен решить: позволить ему умереть или же дать шанс жить дальше. Когда он спускается на землю, всегда идет дождь, его прикосновение может убить, а его любимое занятие на земле - слушать человеческую музыку.
Фильм снят по бестселлеру Котаро Исаки 'The Accuracy of Death'.


@темы: японское кино

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Пишет  Boku no Gisho

Это очень неожиданно, но так мило!

и еще немного фоток тут : http://twitpic.com/photos/lucy_hp

@темы: Supernaturals, yoshikitti

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.

VK takes on the theatrical stage with Rock Musical Pink Spider!


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Pink Spider Rock Musical? How did they ever pull that off? That’s right, it’s hard to imagine Hide’s music as a musical with a solid storyline and character development. However, this 13-year memorial tribute truly does earn the right to be called a rock musical. Rock Musical Pink Spider features a set of some of the most inspirational music to come out of the Japanese rock scene, and all by one beloved artist.

Some genius within the Headwax Corporation saw the upcoming advent of Hide’s 13th memorial year and decided it was time to honor the legend in a way that no Japanese rock artist has merited before, yet the concept is so old-fashioned, it’s charming. Rock Musical Pink Spider features no less than twenty-three pieces, all written by Hide, and is fashioned around what was known of his unique perspective.

There are holes, of course. For one, the appearance of Luna Sea’s bassist J—while touching—seems to have very little relevance in the story. In some instances, the flow of the story relies a touch too heavily on consecutive musical numbers that convey the concept, but not a full narrative. The lack of details is confusing and irritating, but the effect certainly adds to the sense of drug-induced surrealism beneath the music and in spite of the limited dialogue.

The double-cast Es (Gohta Watabe/Shinji Takeda) and Meru (Hitomi Takahashi/Nao Minasawa) share a bittersweet romantic journey surrounded by the nameless ensemble who nevertheless wow with their unity in dance and dazzling vocal solos. The role of the antagonist is played by Taka from defspiral, his fellow band members completing the supporting live band while J of Luna Sea looms over the scene as mentor to Es. The two leading men bring different skills and personalities to the table, goofy Gohta whipping out an electric guitar during “Hi-Ho” while charming Shinji breaks it down on a sexy saxophone. The supporting cast constantly show off their own skills with several different guitarists in the mix as well as the sweet trill of a violin during the ballad “Flame.”

The fragmented plot is well-suited by a butterfly-topped fantastic set of columns and broken ramps rigged together under an archaic stone picture frame. The failed musician and his lover’s would-be girlfriend waver back and forth almost painfully as both succumb to a drug-induced trip that somehow lands them in the midst of their wildest dreams. About them gather their inner voices and crowds of friends and strangers who influence the two on their journey, including the embodiment of the pink spider which moves with a twisting, break-dance gait. The pink spot on the spider indicates the difference between his dual role as member of the chorus and his ulterior identity as Es’s inner demon. The manipulator of their fates who bears dangerous gifts from PSYCHOMMUNITY (otherwise known as Taka from Defspiral,) offers butterfly’s wings to help the hero and his girlfriend achieve their goals, tempting them to the very last. It is through this temptation that the pink spider is able to take flight and recognize his dreams under the watchful eye of his fellow musician, J—and, of course, get the girl!

Though the music is well adapted for theater, Rock Musical Pink Spider preserves its rock element impeccably and with impressive balance. Not only the lead actors, but the chorus as well belt out jazzy solos, and the ensemble sound comes in full four-five part harmony. The pink spider theme is repeated several times, each with a different tone as the singer and situation change.The song takes on new meaning with every evolution. Meanwhile, the big chorus numbers of “50%-50%” (skillfully choreographed to depict a typical Tokyo train ride) and “Hi-Ho” (complete with big gaudy hats and loud instrumental solos by the cast) are strong hits sure to bring a grin to both fans of Hide and of musical theatre alike.

For me, the highlight was “Misery,” sung by the chorus, which integrated flawlessly into the theater performance but paid humble tribute to the original solo number. It was soon followed up by the similar ballad adaptation on the same theme, “Flame.” These two pieces are some of Hide’s finest work, and are beautifully represented in the musical.

It goes without saying that this is the first time music associated with a visual kei artist has broken into the world of musical theater. Continuing through April in locations across Japan, this rock musical could rival the off-broadway scene. Meanwhile, a compilation album titled “Musical Number” Rock Musical Pink Spider was released with all of the songs heard in the musical as previously recorded by Hide or performed live/remixed.

Set List

  1. Damage
  2. A Story
  3. Pink Spider
  4. Doubt
  5. Good Bye
  6. 50% & 50%
  7. Tell Me
  8. Dice
  9. Hi-Ho
  10. Psyence (Dance-only)
  11. Honey Blade
  12. Beauty & Stupid
  13. Electric Cucumber (By J)
  14. Junk Story
  15. Blue Sky Complex
  16. Pose
  17. Eyes Love You
  18. Misery
  19. Flame
  20. Pink Spider
  21. Rocket Dive
  22. Hurry Go Round
  23. Ever Free

“Musical Number” Rock Musical Pink Spider

Track List

[DISC 1]

  1. Damage
  2. A Story
  3. Pink Spider
  4. Doubt’97 (MIXED LEMONed JELLY MIX Ver.4)
  5. Good Bye
  6. 50% & 50%
  7. Tell Me
  8. Dice
  9. Hi-Ho
  10. Psyence
  11. Honey Blade
  12. Beauty & Stupid

[DISC 2]

  1. Pink Spider (Live at YOKOHAMA on Nov.18,1998)
  2. Junk Story
  3. Blue Sky Complex
  4. Pose
  5. Eyes Love You
  6. Misery
  7. Flame
  8. Rocket Dive


@темы: hide, musical



Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Бывают дни, когда опустишь руки, и нет ни слов, ни музыки, ни сил...
В такие дни я был с собой в разлуке
И никого помочь мне не просил...

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
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@темы: Yoshiki foundation

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Ну надо же...все собрались в одном месте!!!! Не журнал, а мечта!!!!


hide_Official April 12, 2011

メディア情報】4/14発売『WeROCK vol.022』にてhide表紙&大特集!ミュージカル「ピンクスパイダー」友情出演中のJインタビュー他、ギター情報...etcなど満載!(PC)http://rockinf.net/

Полистать чудо странички можно тут:http://rockinf.net/022/03-32/03-32.htm

К сожалению флешка не стянулась с сайта....Сколько же там хидэ!!!!!!!!!!аааааааа))


Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Как обидно...меня выбрали! прислали бумаги, формы, условия...Все закончилось банально просто...у меня нет столько денег, сколько надо брать с собой...Путешествие закончилось не начавшись...(

@музыка: Anathema-Better be off dead

@настроение: sucks

@темы: темные времена

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
И отослало application letter в Японию....тепер трусит, вот не могу я без приключений....Но скорее всего в молоко...Хотя жизнь полна неожиданностей...

@темы: я всегда делаю, а потом думаю

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Получаю удовольствие...

@темы: X Japan, rare video

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Часть вторая:

читать дальше

@темы: hide,interview

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Часть первая:

читать дальше

@темы: hide, interview

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
神田哲也 in club asia

Я обожаю игру своего друга!!!

@темы: tetsuya

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.

@темы: Toshi

Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all.
Воистину, когда делаешь перевод, такое ощущение, что какая то твоя часть тоже участвовала в написании, самообман конечно...но довольно реальный....

@музыка: I want to ride my bicycle-Queen

@темы: думы думные